The Country Diary of a GenX Woman

First Box Strainer

FirstStrainerWe are putting up a good strong fence round the goat paddock. When we did the horse paddock fences, we just concreted in single corner posts, as the three boys are not fence pushers, but some of the posts are already starting to lean with the strain from a single mid-tensile wire. For the goats, we have been warned to have good fences, so we put in our first box strainer assembly. A bit of YouTube and Googling and we were well enough prepared to have a go. Unfortunately, the gates are near the trees and there are a lot of rocks. Brad used the augur on the back of the tractor to break up the ground, but most of the digging was done by hand, firstly with a shovel then literally by hand, one handful of dirt at a time. We concreted in the vertical posts, installed the cross member then strung and tensioned the diagonal wires. it looks square, plumb and just like the pictures on the internet.

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Inspired by The Country Diary of an Edwardian Lady