The Country Diary of a GenX Woman

Water Baby

Dec05 035I bought a couple of connectors – I decided to have a spare – and a new hacksaw blade and fixed the inlet pipe. It took about 40 litres to fill inlet pipe and prime the pump – not much fun filling it through a little hole on the pump with a 2 litre bottle, so realised that there must also be a problem with the non-return foot valve. I cleaned it as best I could and got the retic working again. When the temperature hit 35 C, I let the boys in the irrigated paddock with the sprinklers on. Auspicious is a real water baby, sloshing water in the troughs, pawing water in the dam and if the sprinklers are on, he plays with the spray. The other horses were quite happy as he turned the water on to them for a cooling shower.

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Inspired by The Country Diary of an Edwardian Lady