The Country Diary of a GenX Woman

Two Escapees

EscapeesAfter a max temp of 41 degrees yesterday, it only got down to 25 degrees overnight, so the dog was restless in the night then up and barking at 5.30am. When getting the horses an early breakfast I heard a lot of shuffling and scurrying in the feed shed and thought it was a big mouse, but when I saw a rat-sized movement out of the corner of my eye, I jumped before realising it was an escaped guinea fowl keet. On checking the box, I saw 2 in, so knew I had 2 to catch. A few squawks and a few lost tail feathers saw the first one back safely and I cornered the other one quite quickly. Just as well they are not fully fledged yet. The youngest is just 6 weeks old and they really are still babies, even the older ones crouch down and stay still if alarmed. They will stay caged for another 6 weeks – although they might go on a couple of outings to catch some grasshoppers in 3 weeks.

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Inspired by The Country Diary of an Edwardian Lady