The Country Diary of a GenX Woman

Kaloorup Cougar

2013-05-14 07.10.33My first thought when Shorty led me to the remains, was what size of a fox could pull the leg off a cow and drag it halfway into our forest – I was also hoping that the cow was dead when the fox found it.   Then I remembered a conversation I had when we first moved south and went to meet the neighbours.  A young girl was home alone and she told me to watch out for the Kaloorup Cougar which had been known to kill sheep and even horses… maybe it is related to the Nannup Tiger – rumoured to be a Thylacine or a Black Panther.

Some internet searching shows the most recent sighting was in February !

2013-05-14 07.10.53

Nannup Panthers
« Reply #3 on Feb 3, 2013, 8:39pm »

We have just seen a very large black cat cross the road in front of us 27 km south of busselton on the nannup busselton rd, at 3.30 pm est weight of 35-40 kg animal , crossed the bitumen in 2 bounds, Then into the pines .

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Inspired by The Country Diary of an Edwardian Lady