The Country Diary of a GenX Woman

Developing Udder

2013-07-14 17.10.59Midge is starting to look pregnant and is getting more “private”.  I think she can feel her babies and she doesn’t like me rubbing her belly near her udder any more.    Her udder is starting to develop, she doesn’t just have teats sticking out of her belly anymore.  This should be week 13-14 of her 21 week pregnancy.  I checked with Andreas at Koonac and he confirmed that the Rumen sticks out more on the Right, and the kids will show more on the left.  This makes sense as the doe I saw kidding on 10th July lay on her left side.  I am relieved to see these signs as there was no guarantee that she fell pregnant, and it is hard to tell with goats without the expense and hassle of an ultrasound. It would have been a long and torturous wait for our own milk if we had bought two un-freshened maiden does.





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Inspired by The Country Diary of an Edwardian Lady